Throughout my artistic career, I have aimed to create paintings that address feminism in one form or another. I address various inequities or expectations within our society that force limitations on women, and even more specifically, the impact that these limitations can have on a woman’s mentality. Although I do not plug my own insecurities and inadequacies into these pieces, I strive to provide the confidence and pride to my viewer that I wish I had. As a woman I am constantly reminded of my imperfections and I am not the only one, which is why I focus on a natural beauty that breaks the bounds of what is typically perceived as beautiful in our media driven world. It is easy to lose sight of your own value when you are surrounded by images of something almost entirely unobtainable without the use of Photoshop. Paintings in this body of work address societal expectations placed on women inspired by eco-feminist philosophy and attempt to invoke dialogue through figurative compositions using symbols taken from nature, history, and mythology. All the while displaying an appreciation for the beauty of a woman's natural form as well as the organic world around us.