February 12, 2022
A Monster Among Images: Analyzing "Cretaceous Life of New Jersey" with W.J.T. Mitchell's Image Science | Digital Document | 2018-01-10, 2018-01-10T18:41:46Z | Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, Charles Knight, Cretaceous Life of New Jersey, Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, Garden of Eden, Garden of Paradise, Hieronymus Bosch, Jacopo Ligozzi, Paleoart, Princeton University, Triassic Life of Germany, W. J. T. Mitchell, Zoë Lescaze, allusion, chimaera, dinosaurs, evolution, evolutionary biology, folk history, hybrid figure, religious narrative, reptiles | |
Agriculture and Visuality | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T21:33:59Z | David Wengrow Professor of Anthropology, Denis Schmandt-Besserat, Edward Banning Professor of Anthropology University of Toronto, George Church Professor of Genetics Harvard Medical School, Human Evolution and Culture, James Elkins, Middle East, Peter J. Wilson Anthropologist, Tim Bober Professor, Archaeologist, aesthetic labor, agricultural communities, awareness of causality, global agricultural shift, techniques to cultivate crops, visual culture, visual significance of craft and ceremony | |
Archeology of Allegory | Digital Document | 2015-01-30, 2015-01-30T17:48:25Z | Angus Fletcher, Archaeology of Knowledge, Cicero, Discourse on Method, Enlightenment, Gordon Tesky, Joel Fineman, John Locke, Maggie Bowers, Magical Realism, Martin Luther, Michel Foucault, Neoclassicism, Origen, Origins of Allegory, Paul DeMan, Pre-Raphaelites, Realism, René Descartes, Romanticism, Saint John of Damascus, Stoics, Symbolism, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, Walter Benjamin, alternate meaning, analogy, ancient polytheism, biblical hermeneutics, cultural epistemology, decay of metaphysics, medieval polysemy, metaphysical decay, persistence of allegory, rhetorical devices | |
Art of the Blind | Digital Document | 2012-07-09, 2012-07-09T17:37:42Z | Barbara Stafford, Big Ol' Kiss, Bobbie Gray, Bruce Hall, Cataracts, Charles Blackwell, Dark Light: The Art of Blind Photographers, Diabetic retinopathy, Electro Man, Glaucoma, Henry Butler, IRIS Nights Lecture Series, James Thurber, Macular degeneration, Pete Eckert, blind art, blind photography, retinitis pigmentosa | |
Blindness and Photography: Recognition vs. Excavation | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T18:41:47Z | Annie Hess, Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABVI), Charis Austin, Dali's Lincoln in Dalivision, Evgen Bavcar, Evidence of Sight, Gerardo Nigenda, Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler, Julia Adeney Thomas, Macular Degeneration (MD), Michel Foucault, New Aesthetic (NA), Pablo Picasso The Student, Recombinancy, Rick Stevens, Troxler Effect, blind photographers, cognitive assumptions, cognitive function, conceptual blindness, cultural constructions, culturally encoded message, digital technology, hermeneutics, illusion of understanding, internal aesthetic, internal aesthetic representation, lack of mechanical vision, pre-cognitive image processing, recreate an internal aesthetic, simulacrum of the photo, theoretical blindness | |
Cellular Automata: Simple Rules Generate Complex Results | Digital Document | 2012-07-09, 2012-07-09T17:45:44Z | 20 step Rubik's Cube, Alan Turing, Architecture of Complexity, Cantor set, Conway's Game of Life, Cosma Shalizi, Game of Life, Herbert Simon, Hoberman Sphere, John H. Conway, John von Neumann, Koch curve, New Kind of Science, Principle of Computational Equivalence, Sierpinski carpet, Stainslaw Ulam, Stephen Wolfram, Tom Rokicki, Dr., Turing machine, biological systems, cybernetics, fractal like expressions | |
Cosmological Sublime | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T22:10:48Z | Albert Bierstadt, Edmund Burke, Elizabeth Kessler, Hubble Heritage Project, Hubble Space Telescope, Hudson River School, Immanuel Kant, James Elkins, Romantic sublime landscape, Thomas Cole, Thomas Moran, William Henry Jackson, golden hour landscape, mediated nature, photoevaporation, pre Kantian, sublime landscape, sublime tension | |
Death Rituals: Connecting with the After-Life | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T19:16:42Z | African Art History, Anyen Rinpoche, Dying with Confidence, Egyptian Secrets of the Afterlife, Ekpe of Calabar, Famadihana, Howard Dibble, Jordan Fenton, Malagasy of Madagascar, Marina Warner, Phantasmagoria, Philip Lieberman Cognitive Scientist, Ralph Solecki, Tibet Sky Burial, Uniquely Human, after-life, ancestral veneration, burial rituals, cremation, death rituals, funeral practices, masquerade culture, mummification, nsibidi, ritual goods | |
Feminist Theory and Advertisements | Digital Document | 2016-01-06, 2016-01-06T19:54:44Z | Beauty Myth, Cleveland Clinic, David M. Garner, PhD, Immanuel Kant, Kevin Thompson, Lynda Nead, Mario Testino, Michael Charles De Meyer, Obscene Publications Act 1959, Paul E. Garfinkel, Roland Barthes, Sublime, Susan Albers, Psy.D., Susan Bordo, Susan Wooley, Wayne Wooley, anorexia nervosa, body image, bulimia, eating disorders, female nude, female passivity, objectification of women, perfect body, pin up girl, sexually objectified, standard of beauty | |
How Assistive Technology has Changed the Lives of the Blind and Visually Impaired | Digital Document | 2015-03-14, 2015-03-14T14:44:17Z | American Council of the Blind (ACB), American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Assistive Technology Act (ATA), Braille Notetaker, BrailleNote, Chicago Lighthouse, Freedom Scientific, HumanWare, JAWS (Job Access with Speech) screen reader, Jonathan Berry, Mandira Banerjee, Michigan Association of Educators and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB), Michigan Rehabilitation Association (MRA), National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), Slate and Stylus, Title II of the ADA, Visually Impaired Persons for Progress, assistive technology, audioBoom app, braille keyboard, speech synthesizer, visually impaired (VI), visually impaired community | |
Information Visualization, Why Infographics are Everywhere | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T18:27:56Z | Barbara Stafford, Connie Malemed, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army, František Kupka, George Lakoff, Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names, James Elkins, Kazimir Malevich, Manual Photography Cheat Sheet, Manuel Lima, Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Piet Mondrian, Rudolf Arnheim, Science and Complexity, Travis Fahlen, Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information, Visual Language for Designers, VisualComplexity.com, W. J. T. Mitchell, Warren Weaver, cognitive processing, infographics, primitive features, rhizome model, symbolic tree as organizational tool, synthesis of science and design, visual studies | |
Information Visualizations | Digital Document | 2015-02-19, 2015-02-19T21:01:17Z | Armin Akhavan, Augusto Becciu, Barbara Stafford, George Lakoff, Isidro Agrillo, Jose Luis Ortega, Mark Johnson, Northeastern University, TweetWheel, Universal Design, Visual Analogy, Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information, absolute hierarchy of a tree as pictorial representation, cognitive and bodily function of perception, epistemological function of categorization, functional visualizations, information design, information designers, information visualization, interconnected arrangement of a network, negative dialects of difference, network visualization, polymathic image, taxonomic image, taxonomy of statistical information, translate structural complexity, visual culture, visual presentation of data, visual sensory properties of design, visualize civic data, visualizing data | |
Lost Probes and Lonesome Rovers: What Images Produced by Unmanned Spacecraft Can Tell Us About Being an Object | Digital Document | 2015-12-09, 2015-12-09T16:56:39Z | Carl Sagan, European Space Agency (ESA), Janet Vertesi, Mariner 4, Mars, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, NASA, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Object Oriented Ontology (OOO), Quentin Meillassoux, Rock Abrasion Tool, Rosetta space probe, Speculative Realism, Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers, Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope, Voyager mission, anthropocentric, correlationsim, dynamic sublime, electromagnetic pulses, human and object, machinic sublime, mathematical sublime, ontological watchmaker, ontology, posthumanism, probes, proxies, robots, rovers, sublime terror, technomorphism | |
Medical Web | Digital Document | 2012-07-09, 2012-07-09T17:49:41Z | Arthur W. Frank, Birth of the Clinic, Harris Interactive, Health and Medicine on the Internet, Illness as Metaphor, James Davis, Lisa Diedrich, Michel Foucault, Susan Sontag, Treatments: Language Politics and the Culture of Illness, Wounded Storyteller, cyberchondriacs, patient narrative, remission society | |
Pictograms and Visual Cognition | Digital Document | 2012-07-09, 2012-07-09T17:41:42Z | Adrian Frutiger, Brockett Horne, Gerd Arnzt, Helvetica man, How the Mind Works, ISOTYPE, International Road Congress, International System of TYpographic Picture Education, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Otl Aicher, Otto Neurath, Shimon Ullman, Signs and Symbols, Steven Pinker, Visual Routines, Weizmann Institute of Science, graphic symbol, higher level components, multiple signifiers, pictogram, pictographic sign, visual cognition | |
Rethinking the Modern Museum Space: A Study of Knowledge as Space | Digital Document | 2015-02-17, 2015-02-17T21:08:52Z | Edward Soja, Firstspace, Henri Lefebvre, Historicity, Michel Foucault, Order of Things, Post-Modern methodologies of study, Production of Space, Secondspace, Sociality, Thirdspace, abstract space, binomial nomenclature, crisis heterotopia, heterotopic cultural spaces, heterotopic space of Modernity, heterotopic space of the museum, history of objects, history of sociality of objects, mind-body dualism, museology, new monumental understandings of history, ontological space, ontological trialectic, perceived space, representing space, subjective-objective information, taxonomical system | |
Seeing with Electrons: The Scanning Electron Microscope | Digital Document | 2016-01-27, 2016-01-27T16:10:48Z | 3D printing technology, Ernst Ruska, Frederick A. Murray, James Elkins, Jonty Hurwitz, Malcolm Douglas Chaplin, Mara G. Haseltine, Materials Research Society (MRS), Max Knoll, Nicolas Hartsoeker, Odilon Redon, Robert Chaplin, Sabastain Zagarella, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Wassily Kandinsky, bioimaging, diatoms, electron beams, microscope, microscopic world, multiphoton lithography, nanomaterial | |
The Insuppressible Compulsion to Make Sense of Visual Stimuli | Digital Document | 2015-02-06, 2015-02-06T17:09:36Z | Barbara Kruger, Barbara Stafford, Dual Coding System, directed perception, image interpretation, massive parallelism, multi-sensory, multimodal theory, reflected photonic energy, simultaneously occurring variegated stimuli, stimuli processing, stimulus reality, textual interpretation, visual stimuli | |
Untitled | Digital Document | 2012-07-09, 2012-07-09T17:47:57Z | Alexander Butlerov, American Way of Death, Anthony VanLeeuwenhoek, Beautiful Memory Picture, Charleen M. Moore, Egyptian embalming, Frederick Ruysch, Innominata, Jean Gannal, Jessica Mitford, John Sytsema, Leonardo da Vinci, Necropolis City of Dead, Restorative Arts, Restorative Arts and Plastination, Showing Seeing: A Critique of Visual Culture, Thomas Holmes, University of Texas Health Science Center, Virtual Soldier Program, Visible Human Project, W. J. T. Mitchell, Wilhelm von Hofmann, William Harvey, William Hunter, anatomical plates, arterial embalming, arterial injection, canopic jars, crepe hangers, dissection, embalmer's kit, embalming, embalming site, formaldehyde, funeral director, mummification, plastinated specimen, pollinctores | |
Visual Images from the Study of Physics | Digital Document | 2015-02-05, 2015-02-05T18:03:49Z | Antonie Los, Arthur I. Miller, CERN, Carter Hodgkin, Erwin Schrodinger, Feynman Penguin, Feynman diagrams, Flip Tanedo, Higgs Boson particle, Johannes Kepler, Julian Schwinger, Kaon Proton Collision, Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Leonard Shlain, McLaughlin Research Corporation, Particle Collision Diagram, Richard Feynman, Schrodinger Equation, Schrodinger's Cat Paradox, Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, art and science, blindsight, particle collision painting | |
Visual Perception of the Meth Project Print Advertisements | Digital Document | 2013-05-16, 2013-05-16T11:44:38Z | American Dental Association (ADA), American Meth, Ann Barry, Anti-Smoking Campaigns Targeting Youth, Brain that Changes Itself, Breaking Bad, Francis Bacon, Gregory Crewdson, Ian Cumberland, James Elkins, James Verini, Justin Hunt, Larissa Mooney, Leo Burnett agency, Medical Effects of Methamphetamine Use, Meth Mouth: Tom Siebel's Brash Anti-Crystal Campaign, Meth Project, Norman Doidge MD, Peg Shea, Peter Doidge M.D, Requiem for a Dream, Suspenseful fiction, Umberto Eco, Visual Intelligence, abject imagery, advertisements as emblemata, framing device | |
We've Created a Monster: The Progression of the Landscape Image | Digital Document | 2013-05-14, 2013-05-14T18:56:23Z | Ansel Adams, Camera Lucida, Cancer Alley, Chemical Corridor, Daguerre's photographic process, Dana Fritz, Fredric Jameson, Gifford Pinchot National Forest Service, God's Own Junkyard, Greg Foster-Rice, Henry David Thoreau, Hudson River School, John Muir, Kate Orff, Landscape Architect Petrochemical America, Landschap, Lewis Baltz, Nancy Newhal, New Topographics Exhibition, Peter Blake, Richard Misrach, Robert Adams, Roland Barthes, Sierra Club Wilderness Campaign 1960, Solutions for Post-Petrochemical Society, Susan Sontag, Thomas Cole, Timothy O'Sullivan, Violent Legacies: Three Cantos, Wilderness Act of 1966, William Cronon, cultural logic, functional landscape, industrial landscape, post-industrial landscape, prestige object, pristine wilderness landscape, romantic landscape |