Metadata Content type Content type Digital Document Collection(s) Collection(s) Intro to Visual Studies Title Title Title Blindness and Photography: Recognition vs. Excavation Resource Type Resource Type Unspecified Handle Handle Persons Persons Author (aut): Wilkinson, Rob Genre Genre Presentation Subject Subject internal aesthetic Troxler Effect Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler lack of mechanical vision blind photographers Macular Degeneration (MD) Recombinancy New Aesthetic (NA) Dali's Lincoln in Dalivision Pablo Picasso The Student digital technology Evgen Bavcar simulacrum of the photo recreate an internal aesthetic Evidence of Sight conceptual blindness theoretical blindness Michel Foucault pre-cognitive image processing cognitive assumptions hermeneutics Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABVI) Charis Austin Gerardo Nigenda Annie Hess cognitive function culturally encoded message illusion of understanding cultural constructions internal aesthetic representation Julia Adeney Thomas Rick Stevens Origin Information Origin Information Event Type dateAccessioned Date Captured 2013-05-14 18:41:47Z Event Type dateAvailable Date Issued 2013-05-14 18:41:47Z Date Issued 2013-05-14 Language Language en_US