Metadata Content type Content type Digital Document Collection(s) Collection(s) Master of Art Education Title Title Title Lindsay Moynihan MAE Thesis "Contemporary Motherhood; An Intimate Look at Mothers in the 21st Century" 2013 Resource Type Resource Type Unspecified Handle Handle Persons Persons Author (aut): Moynihan, Lindsay Genre Genre Thesis Subject Subject motherhood single-parent families single mothers gay parents lesbian parents patriarchal society role of mother in visual art Woman from Willendorf Madonna and Child Alice Neel Käthe Kollwitz Paula Modersohn-Becker mother-child bond Womanhouse Judy Chicago Miriam Schapiro Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document mother/child dyad Amber E. Kinser, PhD new wave feminism alternative mothers Andrea O’Reilly Pew Research Center same-sex couples biological children biological children adoptive children Marie Howe contemporary mothers mommy guilt artist/mother Origin Information Origin Information Event Type dateAccessioned Date Captured 2018-05-03 16:17:32Z Event Type dateAvailable Date Issued 2018-05-03 16:17:32Z Date Issued 2018-05-03 Language Language en_US