Metadata Content type Content type Digital Document Collection(s) Collection(s) New Media Literacy Title Title Title Extraordinary and Inevitable Synthesis of Visual Media, Education and Neurological Transformations in 21st Century Pedagogy Resource Type Resource Type Unspecified Handle Handle Persons Persons Author (aut): St. John, Donna Genre Genre Presentation Subject Subject STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) visual media passive auditory learning Howard Gardner, PhD Multiple Intelligence Theory nine intelligences Visual-Spatial Intelligence Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Mathematical-Logical Intelligence Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence Naturalist Intelligence Intra-personal Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Existentialist Intelligence Making Caring Common Project pedagogy empathy training Susan Greenfield, PhD Richard Watson Educate to Innovate campaign National Education Association 21st century skills Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) E. Paul Torrance, PhD Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTTC) Garnet W. Millar, PhD Kyung Hee Kim, PhD Robert Root-Bernstein, PhD Origin Information Origin Information Event Type dateAccessioned Date Captured 2016-03-09 20:52:56Z Event Type dateAvailable Date Issued 2016-03-09 20:52:56Z Date Issued 2016-03-09 Language Language en_US