Metadata Content type Content type Digital Document Collection(s) Collection(s) Semiotics, Post-Structuralism, and Deconstruction Title Title Title Evolution of Power, “the Docile Body,” the “Disciplined Man,” and the Modern Environment of the Mind Resource Type Resource Type Unspecified Handle Handle Persons Persons Author (aut): Merrill, Emily Genre Genre Presentation Subject Subject Michel Foucault biopower Fordism Henry Ford mass production supply and demand Nancy Fraser Herbert Schiller corporate speech rights free trade upper 1% prison-industrial complex Corporate Correctional Association war on drugs transnational corporate model of investment docile body disciplined man neoliberal individual oppression repression transnational mega-corporations Martin Heidegger Jacques Derrida networks of anonymous capillaries consumer culture prison-industrial complex Origin Information Origin Information Event Type dateAccessioned Date Captured 2013-12-12 20:18:37Z Event Type dateAvailable Date Issued 2013-12-12 20:18:37Z Date Issued 2013-12-12 Language Language en_US